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Saturday, February 22, 2020


The Latin prefix "ambi-" means both and can refer to plurality. In ambivalent it refers to having mixed, contradictory, or more than one feeling about something. In ambiguous on the other hand, it means unclear or able to be understood in multiple ways.

If you are ambivalent about something, you feel two ways about it. 'Ambiguous', on the other hand, means "unclear or capable of being understood in two or more different ways."

Ambiguous: More than One Meaning

Ambiguous, on the other hand, isn't a word used to describe people—though it is used to describe things people do or say. It's used in cases where the meaning of something is not clear, often because it can be understood in more than one way:
The ambiguous results of the study make it plain that more research is needed.
Their offer was ambiguous; were they suggesting that I borrow the car, or rent it from them?
The word may is ambiguous: it can be about permission—"you may go"—or about possibility—"it may rain."

Sunday, February 9, 2020

of love 2

A feeling of euphoria,
a woman and a rose,
a long, committed partnership,
of love the husband knows.

A tenuous and abstract thing
of love he understands…
or thinks he does until they
put a baby in his hands.

A baby with an Angel face
has brought him to his knees,
his heart is gripped with with fear at
every cough and baby sneeze.

The silence in the dark of night,
the deepest sleep defeats--
his breath is held in hostage till
he knows the heart still beats.

Behold the hulking man of men,
of beastly, manly powers--
who’s brought to tears by tiny fists
with gifts of mangled flowers.

A feeling of euphoria
a little child, a rose,
a dirty face, a sloppy kiss
of love the father knows.

Friday, February 7, 2020

I forgot

 My mind gets lost now that I'm older.. 

can i cry here on your shoulder??

 Will you listen to my muted tale of woe?

I dont recall now... I've forgottten...

 cant remember not or nottin..

are my verses crying STOP  or shouting GO?

To late ago, I dis remember...

 is it May, or late December?  

is my heart forever  pinned there to my sleeve?

Am I nervous, am I  wary..

cause I've lost my January?...

my wasted youth is something 

I don't really want to grieve.

i am lonely and distracted...

my common sense is counteracted 

by the fact that i don't really want to leave ...

But the earth is over peopled 

and people mostly over steepled... 

and I'm not an extra ordinary guy...

Suicide is not an answer... 

no I'd never be a dancer... 

and i must confess I've never wondered why.

Wait.. what was it i was saying?

.. could it be that this is praying.. 

not just writing down the static? It is odd...

I'm a poet, not a teacher..

and I'd rarely trust a preacher...

guess I'll chill and touch the living mind of God.

the end!

~Dean Neighbors~