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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

On Leaving Christmas

From  Christmas 2005 (but still true).

On leaving Christmas presence in the air,
on holiday from work, or maybe not...
our spirit feels, as winter, cold and bare,
our body, now a temple sense forgot.

The reasons for the Christmas presents bought
are gone, like bows and papers, in a bag
somewhere behind a fence. Our hearts besot
with cheerfulness; with milk and honey, sag
from Christmas dark regret; to new years sulk and drag.

© 2005 W.D.Neighbors

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Without a thought or ounce of will
for certain, not as planned,
the beauty of another thrill
is making its demand.

How can I fall in love again
my heart has run this course?
And who would bet an also-ran,
a gray, uncertain horse?

A dirty trick for hopeless fools
is this October wind
that blows the sails and all the rules
but how can I pretend.

The evidence is plain to see,
I fall for you each night,
and when it’s dark-- and in between
those periods of light.

It's Time

Who, then, is this eternal fool
who takes himself to taste
each one of us as though he has
all of himself to waste.

And all the helpless mortals who
fall victim to his schemes
must, calmly, mark the him until
they die to serve his dreams.

A few may wish to put him off,
deny his right to pass.
Impede him, yet, he’ll pour regret
and stain your soul like glass.

In him he’ll come, you must accept,
to claim your metered soul…
but, in the end, the jokes on him
for whom the bell must toll.

In a Hand Basket

The bike is coasting down the lane
the wheels go round and round,
why am I in this basket and
where is it that I’m bound?

I take my chance, a leap of faith,
then quickly to the farm.
To jump into her arms, again
I’m safe from further harm.

We're off to walk the yellow road,
adventures are in store.
I think it’s safe to say we aren’t
in Kansas anymore.

This was inspired by a bumper sticker I saw.... it read, "Why am I in this hand basket, and where am I going?"

and it just wouldn't go away until I wrote it.

"If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow,
Why oh why can't I?"

Little Sis

~ For Mickey ~ 

I don’t know how to grieve my dear…
forgotten how to cry.
I hid away my love for you…
and now you’ve passed me by.

You had a refuge in my heart
I think you stole the deed.
Yet I can’t cry, and I can’t go
where common manners lead 

A double penance, double tears
await me down the road.
It’s squatting here inside of me…
it’s waiting to explode. 

I can’t embrace the loss I feel...
I won’t allow the pain…
So I will wait…and I will do…
my crying in the rain.

~Sincere apologies to Don and Phil Everly

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Pulse

The pulse of life began at last-- a boy,
and mother felt the rhythm of the beat,
but deep within her heart, unfettered joy,
was muted by a taste of bittersweet.

The life within her soon would be alone,
she knew as sure as certainty could be—
and through her love, with inner beauty sewn,
she made a vow that no one else could see.

She left the child but never left his heart.
She left the earth but never left his soul.
And when he falls to pieces, comes apart--
her love is there to keep his spirit whole.

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Eyes of Time

When first we met at heaven’s door,
when all was endless night,
I fell in love by touch before
the Lord invented light.

A lyric of the universe,
our song is sung by choice,
a syncopated line of verse
in every Angel’s voice.

I look into the eyes of time
and see myself with you
from eons past and out of mind
to futures not in view.

When death has come to clam his prize,
when dark and light resign,
the darkest Angel we’ll surprise,
as your heart beats does mine.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Imagine That

~ A tribute to John Lennon ~

He looked at life through polished glass,
refracting every tone and hue.
He took the time for time to pass,
imagining a longer view.

Befitting beauty, flowers die
as they, with early winter, meet.
Though wither comes, the loving eye
imagines blossoms ever sweet.

Eternal lyrical and young,
they must, at last, admire his means.
His sweetest song on every tongue
through all the seasons, all the scenes

will live forever. Though we cried--
imagine that he never died.

Monday, August 6, 2012


It’s colder now, I know
as time is slipping fast away.
A late October snow
has purged the world of summer things–
but for a single rose
whose beauty speaks of youthful springs.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

To Touch a Star

Refracted through an atmospheric prism,
a gem of starlight strikes a human eye.
Product of a an ancient cataclysm,
an instant, just, to cast its beauty by,

the glimmer spans the vast abyss of sky,
a sailor on the aether from afar,
imperfect, insubstantial as a sigh,
yet perfect in the wonder that we are,
a twinkle in our eye, allowed to touch a star.

Draft 2

Refracted through an atmospheric ocean,
a gem of starlight strikes a human eye.
Transiting in timeless propagation,
an instant... just.. to cast its beauty by,

the glimmer spans the vast abyss of sky,
a sailor on the aether from afar,
imperfect, insubstantial as a sigh,
yet perfect in the wonder that we are,
a twinkle in our eye, allowed to touch a star.

Original draft...

Falling through the sky, in scintillation,
refracted starlight strikes a random eye.
Transiting in timeless propagation,
an instant, just, to cast its beauty by...

the starlight spans galactic arms to fly
down static paths of aether from afar,
imperfect, insubstantial as a sigh,
yet perfect in the wonder that we are,
a twinkle in our eye, allowed to touch a star.

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Opaque before the light of early dawn,
a window pane, a portal to my youth,
plays visions out of time. My eyes are drawn
to scenes within. An oracle of truth
embraces me, its chilly arms enfolding
my heart and all my dreams. She loves him yet,
she mourns the distant hand she could be holding,
the touch her mind and body can’t forget.

As dark as any moonless night I’ve known,
and darker still, my heart. What muse that’s left
is black as any crow that’s ever flown,
beyond despair and utterly bereft–

as if the eyes of God were unforgiving,
as if my soul had died and left me living.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


The tender bud of hope eternal blooms,
reopening its wonder to our eyes.
The loss of hope occurs when one assumes
the blossom is a bramble in disguise.

Hope can spring eternally, it's true,
but nourishment, essential to its term,
must quickly be applied or hope's debut
will wither like an apple with a worm.

True love is the eternal hope of man.
therein he places all his life in trust,
and if you question why he thinks he can
the answer is, of course, because he must.

So we may fear we've lost a love we need
yet trust that there will be another seed.


The tender bud of hope eternal blooms,
reopening its wonder to our eyes.
The loss of hope occurs when one assumes
the blossom is a bramble in disguise.

Hope can spring eternally, it's true,
but nourishment, essential to its term,
must quickly be applied or hope's debut
will wither like an apple with a worm.

True love is the eternal hope of man.
for this he'll place his heart and soul in trust,
and if you question why he thinks he can
the answer is, of course, because he must.

Thus we may fear we'll lose a love we need
yet trust that there will be another seed.

A Good Egg

It happened in the kitchen, out in back
I'm sure you've heard this tragic tale before.
His life was ordered, nestled in a rack
until a footman dropped him to the floor.

A piece of broken shell lay near a chair;
a remnant of a meal that might have been.
and scrambled hopes were scattered everywhere,
yet Humpty tried, in vain, to rise again.

And all the horses, all the ruler's men,
the servants of an apathetic king,
dispite the story that's been heard since then,
just stood around and didn't do a thing.

Hump's widow's not the only one who cried
A carton, yes an even dozen, died.

« Last Edit: Sep 1st, 2002, 1:49am by Sailor »


I write a bit of poetry
at times it's rather dark.
But mostly it's just fantasy
produced as just a lark...

inspired by drinking raw tequila
shots and getting quirky
while dining at the finest
restaurant in Albuquerque.

Sadie's .. 4th street, Albuquerque, NM.

Reality Forgot

On winds of sleep in pillow ships
we sail beyond the mind,
to leagues outside the world awake,
impossible to find

for any creature not asleep
(within the conscious zone).
A place existing in the id,
that will has never known.

A realm where all is possible,
of anti-matter thought,
where magic lives and shows us things
reality forgot.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

A Musing

The bards desire, a whiter shade of muse,
requires that deep depression be attained.
A genuinely somber tone, the blues,
must permeate the soul and be retained.

You're better off, a human, being sad
as lack of hope intensifies the senses.
The muse will be obscure when one is glad.
Embrace your pain. Oh poet, build no fences!

A weary writer soon divines the well
and draws his muse from willful deprivation
of sleep that he may conjure bliss or Hell,
exhaustion is a path to inspiration.

Exhaustion's good, depression's better still...
if you can manage both you're almost Will.

Friday, June 1, 2012

South Of Clarity

"A constantly revolving parallax",
perhaps, describes the nature of my brain,
unpolished precious stone with tiny cracks
where logic begs emotion to refrain
from taking over processes of thought,

where feelings beg of logic, "take a chance",
in both directions all of this for naught,
which serves to fuel insanity’s advance.

I've given all the time I care to give
to finding what my friends would call "a cure"
and, frankly, it is comforting to live
within the northern border of obscure.

The beauty lies in that the beauty lies…
in vain they search the babble for the wise.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


The Angels of the broken wing
had fallen through our hand
and though, in silence, hope would sing
we couldn’t understand.

In tempest was a hidden gift,
bestowed to ease our strife…
the ill- prevailing wind would shift
and change the course of life.

Our Wednesday children, saving graces,
proved the verses wrong;
with little ones of Angel’s faces;
love to pass along.

The early, broken Angels lay
as precious memory
for we know, now, that love can stay
embraced though far away.

Monday, May 14, 2012


A lie is hiding spot between the lines
of wisdom etched in sleek iambic stone,
deceit subliminal in metered rhymes
that’s known to harried bard and bard alone.

The knave constructs his fiction full aware
he’s deigned it just to serve a mottled beat
Convinced that readers very seldom care,
he tosses back his myth and whiskey neat.

With frequency the victims are deceived
by lovely words subverted to a goal
designed to fit a frame that’s preconceived
to keep the versifier’s meter whole.

A boundless sea of gall do writers steer.
I cite the wretched case presented here.

Monday, April 2, 2012

And In Your Eyes

I know, at last, why my heart sings,
though in your prison I remain,
it’s borne aloft on Angel’s wings.

Love’s prisoner by free will’s choice
I serve my time, I don’t complain,
in custody do I rejoice—

for I know, well, that true love lies
within the freedom of my chains...
and in your heart; and in your eyes.

Monday, March 5, 2012


I wrote this in 2002 on a flight from Albuquerque to Oakland. I had been travelling for a while (working in New Mexico) mexican food (or new mexican food) in my many travels...Sadie's .. 4th street, Albuquerque, NM.


Both arrogance and ignorance aside
and unreturned devotion notwithstanding,
I bow before you now devoid of pride
(apparently) but not without demanding
a measure of consistency from you,
an evenness, a firmness to your scorn
when daily, with a vengeance, you renew
the attitude that's killing me. Forlorn!

Now there's a word of substance and abuse,
a dismal mix of fear and consternation
that SO applies to me. What is the use...
but wait, let's look again at my contention...

a crack has formed in your facade of late.
There's hope! You're inconsistent in your hate.

for·lorn (fr-lôrn, fôr-)

Appearing sad or lonely because deserted or abandoned.
Forsaken or deprived: forlorn of all hope.
Wretched or pitiful in appearance or condition: forlorn roadside shacks.
Nearly hopeless; desperate. See Synonyms at despondent.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The First Bank of Poetry

The wisdom of the world is in a verse.
The mystery of life is in a book,
for poets re-create the universe
in every rhyme. It may be worth a look

into the bank of poetry, the vault
containing all the poems ever born
and all the clever words meant to assault
our muddled brains. For surely verse is torn

directly from the living mind of Man
presented red and dripping (with a smile,
the mask of jesters since this world began)
that men may read these words of wisdom while

they're pulsing with emotion, seeking morals...
or resting, warm and comfy, o­n their laurels.

The Promise

Evicted from her garden by
a knowledge never sought,
was she villain, then, or victim in
a play that time forgot?

When tempted by an evil
bearing legendary fruit
did hunger conquer innocence?
Can history refute

this yarn of human weakness that
has passed from ancient times?
Is this a tale of simple truth
or fodder for our rhymes;

is it myth or could it be
a tapestry we weave
to chronicle the promise-- or
 apocalypse of Eve

There's The Rub

It’s clear the sweetest danger lurks about.
Assuming your complaint is as it seems,
the muscle tension you complain about
holds promise as a fodder for my dreams.

The rub is that I cannot solve the tease,
the oily touch of ambiguity,
that scents your mild complaint. So, if you please,
could I massage an answer from you? Tea

is promised by the kettle. Building steam,
that yearns for an escape into the air,
has nearly reached the point where it will scream…
immediate release! What’s that, you dare

to murmur once again? Or did you growl?
No matter, I concede; throw in the towel.


How carefully I made my way,
my treasure under lock was thrust
that safe my tender heart might stay
from words of lies in tones of trust.

The one to whom my fortress fell;
once comfort, now my greatest grief.
The one I should have known so well
has proved to be the vilest thief.

I see the thief. I recognize
a countenance I hate to love,
for as I look I realize
I view a mirror image of

my source of pain, this knave I see...
this thief reflected back at me.


Sections of life from the version du jour
in verses to hold all the pieces,
fragments of me from the cutting room floor
the ego/producer releases

to public inspectors, interpretive fools
who read what emotions surround,
attempting to fix me without any tools
by wiring my hot side to ground.

A cloth of intentions they’ve woven from thread
that’s spun from my lines or between.
They’d save me from living or ending up dead
or something they haven’t foreseen.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

~El Alma del Caballo~ (the soul of the horse)

The old Vaquero rolled a smoke
and spoke of unseen forces;
the awful toll that war requires
of soldiers and their horses--

how some believe that war cures war;
of lessons known and told,
why men can’t learn a truth their heart
has not the shape to hold.

“Caballo hearts, old soldiers know,
reflect the hearts of men.
This fact was known when Moses fled
and Pharaoh learned to swim.”

“The horse and soldier share a bond”,
the old hand told the young,
“for Horse, like Man, enjoys the taste
of war upon his tongue.”

“None but a man who’s gone to war
and felt its mighty force
while clinging to a saddle, truly
understands the horse.”

"A mount was shot from under me
in battle near the sea
and death revealed the nature of
the horse’s soul to me."

“All horses share a common soul.
I’ve seen this thing, it’s true--
if you know one, a single horse,
then all are known to you."

The old man tossed his cigarette
and filled his coffee cup
and as he did another there,
a Gringo boy, spoke up.

"If what you say is true, old man,
one day, when men are gone,
the soul of Horse must perish too,
what point in staying on?"

The old man laughed, “You are niave
my cowboy friend. Please try
to open up your heart and mind
and I will tell you why

the words you speak, they make no sense,
I tell you here and now,
no horses in the world? This thing,
our God would not allow."

Monday, January 30, 2012

In this Moment

I could live in this moment forever
in the eyes of the Angel called "you",
in the arch of the doorway to heaven
with no more than your face in my view.

If I die in my sleep before morning
I will praise my allotment of time.
I could live in this moment forever,
in this moment I've captured in rhyme.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


In shadow views of battle yet to be
the final stranger beckons me. I fear
that I must now accept what I forsee;
the moment of my death is drawing near.
Oh sarah, how I want to see your face;
to touch, once more, the softness of your skin.
Though fate is sealed and destiny in place,
I long to hear your gentle voice again.
If it is true that spriits conquer death
then I will yet return to you somehow.
The winds that cool your skin shall be my breath;
my tears the gentle raindrops on your brow.
I pray you, Sarah, do no mourn me dead...
think I am gone to wait for you instead.

This poem was inspired by a letter written by Civil War Major Sullivan Ballou to his wife just days before his death.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Too Soon Ago

Too soon ago I brushed my chomps
with minty, sweetened, paste,
lending to my "J" of "O"
a most unpleasant taste.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Udder Truth

"A cow is of the bovine ilk;
one end moo the other milk." ~ Ogden Nash ~

Bred to give us cheese and butter,
usefulness that’s keen and utter,
milking cows is such a treat--
takes a sit and grabs a teat,
aims the stream and hits the bucket,
skims the cream. With any luck it
pleased you when I made that rhyme.
I’d rather poet anytime
than milk a cow as in my youth.
They smell, and that’s the udder truth.

Walter Murray

This is about a real cat I knew. The poor thing was de-clawed, fixed and he had a very distinct mark on his head in the shape of a "W"... or an "M", depending upon your perspective.

Murray is a fine cat
Soft with fuzzy ears.
Walter is a strange cat
Filled with silly fears.

Walter  is a smile cat
Murray is a frown.
They are both the same cat
Up and upside down.

Two of them are one cat
Over double lazy.
Murray is the sane cat
Walt would be the crazy
Beasley walks her both cat
Daily with a halter.
Often she plays spin cat

Walter is a night cat
Murray rules the day.
Who's the dusk and dawn cat?
I can't really say.

They are not a clawed cat
Tears are salty water.
And it makes it worse that
They can't have a daughter.